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Military Strategy and Operational Art: Military Strategy and Operational Art

About the Series

The Ashgate Series on Military Strategy and Operational Art analyzes and assesses the synergistic interrelationship between joint and combined military operations, national military strategy, grand strategy, and national political objectives in peacetime, as well as during periods of armed conflict. In doing so, the series highlights how various patterns of civil-military relations, as well as styles of political and military leadership influence the outcome of armed conflicts. In addition, the series highlights both the advantages and challenges associated with the joint and combined use of military forces involved in humanitarian relief, nation building, and peacekeeping operations, as well as across the spectrum of conflict extending from limited conflicts fought for limited political objectives to total war fought for unlimited objectives. Finally, the series highlights the complexity and challenges associated with insurgency and counter-insurgency operations, as well as conventional operations and operations involving the possible use of weapons of mass destruction. Scholars and practitioners in the fields of politico-military history, international relations, and national security policy are invited to contribute to this new series as well as faculty at senior and intermediate level service schools involved in professional military education.

22 Series Titles

Per Page

Security Dynamics in The Gulf and The Arabian Peninsula Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities

Security Dynamics in The Gulf and The Arabian Peninsula: Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities

1st Edition

Edited By Howard M. Hensel
May 27, 2024

This book focuses on security dynamics in the contemporary Gulf and Arabian Peninsula. It highlights the development of the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, the contemporary challenges and opportunities confronting the principal powers that are active in this important sub-region, and analyzes and ...

Security Dynamics in the South China Sea Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities

Security Dynamics in the South China Sea: Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities

1st Edition

Edited By Howard M Hensel
May 16, 2024

This volume examines the South China Sea’s regional security dynamics, highlighting the challenges and opportunities for both littoral and non-littoral states. The South China Sea is a vital pathway for the great container ships and tankers, as well as for the naval vessels of today. Indeed, the ...

Air Power in the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific Understanding Regional Security Dynamics

Air Power in the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific: Understanding Regional Security Dynamics

1st Edition

Edited By Howard M. Hensel
September 25, 2023

This book examines the security dynamics of the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific, concentrating upon an analysis and evaluation of the air power capabilities of the various powers active in the two regions. The volume is designed to help improve understanding of the heritage and contemporary ...

Managing Civil-Military Cooperation A 24/7 Joint Effort for Stability

Managing Civil-Military Cooperation: A 24/7 Joint Effort for Stability

1st Edition

By Myriame T.I.B. Bollen, Sebastiaan J.H. Rietjens
June 07, 2019

Civil-military cooperation has always been a key factor in both peace and conflict situations, and is vital in today's political climate. This indispensable volume analyzes the various types of civil-military cooperation across different settings and contexts, to include humanitarian operations ...

Limited War in South Asia From Decolonization to Recent Times

Limited War in South Asia: From Decolonization to Recent Times

1st Edition

By Scott Gates, Kaushik Roy
May 21, 2019

This book examines the origins, courses and consequences of conventional wars in post-colonial South Asia. Although South Asia has experienced large-scale conventional warfare on several occasions since the end of World War II, there is an almost total neglect of analysis of conventional warfare ...

No Fly Zones and International Security Politics and Strategy

No Fly Zones and International Security: Politics and Strategy

1st Edition

By Stephen Wrage, Scott Cooper
March 27, 2019

This book discusses the practice of no-fly zones in international affairs. The first no-fly zone was imposed over northern Iraq immediately after the first Gulf War, and since then they have become a regular recourse for policymakers confronted with humanitarian crises. They have come to be viewed...

Blair's Successful War British Military Intervention in Sierra Leone

Blair's Successful War: British Military Intervention in Sierra Leone

1st Edition

By Andrew Dorman
October 18, 2018

Andrew Dorman introduces Sierra Leone as Blair's second great military adventure after Kosovo and the first he undertook on his own. It is tied to Blair's 1999 Chicago speech on the 'Doctrine of the International Community', his move towards humanitarianism and the impact of the Kosovo experience. ...

The Future of US Warfare

The Future of US Warfare

1st Edition

By Scott N. Romaniuk, Francis Grice
September 18, 2018

This book provides an interdisciplinary analysis of the future of US warfare, including its military practices and the domestic and global challenges it faces. The need to undertake a comprehensive analysis about the future of warfare for the US is more pressing today than ever before. New ...

Culture and Defence in Brazil An Inside Look at Brazil's Aerospace Strategies

Culture and Defence in Brazil: An Inside Look at Brazil's Aerospace Strategies

1st Edition

Edited By Maria Filomena Fontes Ricco
February 16, 2017

This volume examines the connection between culture and defence by providing an inside look at Brazil’s aerospace strategies. Brazil is becoming increasingly important geopolitically, and several studies have sought to further understanding of this new position in the international arena. This ...

Joining the Fray Outside Military Intervention in Civil Wars

Joining the Fray: Outside Military Intervention in Civil Wars

1st Edition

By Zachary C. Shirkey
November 15, 2016

National leaders often worry that civil wars might spread, but also seem to have little grasp on which civil wars will in fact draw in other states. An ability to understand which civil wars are most likely to draw in outside powers and when this is likely to happen has important policy ...

Clausewitz's Timeless Trinity A Framework For Modern War

Clausewitz's Timeless Trinity: A Framework For Modern War

1st Edition

By Colin M. Fleming
October 10, 2016

This is the first book to apply the Clausewitzian Trinity of 'passion, chance, and reason' to the experience of real war. It explores the depth and validity of the concept against the conflicts of former Yugoslavia - wars thought to epitomise a post-Clausewitzian age. In doing so it demonstrates ...

The Swedish Presence in Afghanistan Security and Defence Transformation

The Swedish Presence in Afghanistan: Security and Defence Transformation

1st Edition

Edited By Arita Holmberg, Jan Hallenberg
July 21, 2016

This book delivers on two analytical levels. First, it is a broad study of Sweden as an international actor, an actor that at least for a brief period tried to play a different international role than that to which it was accustomed. Second, the book problematizes the role of international military...

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